Our advantages

  • For Master

    Create an offer and increase your income by managing the funds of subscribers.

  • For Slave

    Turn your capital into investment by choosing a suitable PAMM account based on the statistics of trading results of each provider.

  • Technology

    Innovative solutions in PAMM-service technology are developed to meet the needs of subscribers and providers alike. Forex.ee makes this service convenient and available to use of each client.


PAMM service is a technology solution created to copy trades from Master account to the Slave accounts, as well as for automated distribution of profits and losses. Master uses his own capital and the capital of Slaves to perform trading operations in the Forex market, while Slaves get the instruments needed for analyzing the performance of the Master.

The value of this service derives from the possibility of merging the knowledge and experience of providers with the capital of subscribers in order to attain mutually beneficial results.

Another advantage of this service is the protection of Slaves funds from inappropriate actions of the Master. This is achieved by means of keeping the funds in the Slaves own accounts instead of processing them to Master account.

If you are in possession of successful and sustainable Forex trading experience, we invite you to open a PAMM account. If, on the other hand, you would like to make use of skills of a successful Master to make profit in the foreign exchange market, please be welcome to study detailed characteristics of different PAMM accounts to choose the one that suits your needs according to the level of risk and profitability.

info PAMM

Best PAMM Accounts

AccountGain, %FollowersRisk ScoreGain Chart
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Best Followers

How to become a Master?
  1. 1 Open the Investment Account
  2. 2 Deposit the Investment Account
  3. 3 Open a PAMM Account and create an Offer
  4. 4 Attract Slave account holders and receive rewards for reproduction of your trading strategy.
How to become a Slave account holder?
  1. 1 Open the Investment Account
  2. 2 Deposit the Investment Account
  3. 3 Choose a proper Master in PAMM Account Rating and subscribe to automatic copying of Master’s strategy
  4. 4 Withdraw gained profit.